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曲目 音樂與文學中的莎士比亞 2CD
SHAKESPEARE in Music and Words
演出者 弗萊明、特菲爾、安德烈?瑞歐
Christopher Plummer, Sir John Gielgud, Vanessa Redgrave, Sir Donald Sinden, Andre Rieu, Bryn Terfel, Renee Fleming, etc.
本集精介   2016年是世界上最偉大的劇作家,英國文豪莎士比亞(William Shakespeare, 1564-1616)逝世400週年,全球各地紛紛舉辦各項紀念活動並發行出版品。莎士比亞所寫的劇作部部空前絕後,無人能及,儘管辭世多時,仍持續在全球教育與娛樂上發揮無與倫比的影響力。
  莎士比亞的作品於在世時便深受讚揚,他根據人生真實面貌,將生活百態搬上了舞台,深深影響了後世許多藝術工作者,在文學、音樂、電影、戲劇中皆可見其蹤影。英國電影演員、導演和製片人,奧斯卡獎得主勞倫斯‧奧立佛(Laurence Olivier)曾表示:「莎士比亞 - 最貼近上帝之眼的化身」(Shakespeare – The nearest thing in incarnation to the eye of God.)。而英國作家班?強森(Ben Jonson,1572 - 1637)也寫道:「他不屬於一個時代,而是屬於所有的世代!」(He was not of an age, but for all time!)
CD1中收錄著名的古典名曲,包括柴可夫斯基的《羅密歐與茱麗葉》幻想序曲、普羅可菲夫《羅密歐與茱麗葉》-「武士之舞」、孟德爾頌《仲夏夜之夢》-「婚禮進行曲」、電影《殉情記》主題曲「我倆的時光」(A Time for Us)、普賽爾《仙后》-「讓我悲泣、永遠悲泣」、芬濟「走開,死神走開」與佛漢-威廉士的《三首莎士比亞之歌》等。
  CD2則收錄莎士比亞著名劇作與十四行詩之精彩片段,由英國知名演員,如Richard Pasco, Vanessa Redgrave CBE, Dame Peggy Ashcroft, Sir John Gielgud, Christopher Plummer等人以精湛的聲音表情加以朗誦。收錄的作品包括哈姆雷特、羅密歐與茱麗葉、十二夜、凱薩大帝、馬克白等。這些選段提供文學愛好者認識莎士比亞最直接且快速的捷徑。
曲目 CD1
1. Prokofiev: Dance Of the Knights [Romeo and Juliet, Op.64 - Act 1]
The Cleveland Orchestra, Lorin Maazel

2. Tchaikovsky: Love Theme [Romeo and Juliet, Fantasy Overture]
Wiener Philharmoniker, Herbert von Karajan

3. Gounod: "Ah, je veux vivre" [Rom?o et Juliette / Act 1]
Ren?e Fleming, LPO, Charles Mackerras

4. Theme From Romeo & Juliet - A Time For Us – Instrumental
Andre Rieu

5. Mendelssohn: No.1 Scherzo [A Midsummer Night's Dream, Op.61 Incidental Music]
L'Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Ernest Ansermet

6. Purcell: "O Let Me Weep, For Ever Weep" [The Fairy Queen - Ed. Benjamin Britten, Imogen Holst and Peter Pears - Part 3: The Sweet Passion]
English Chamber Orchestra, Benjamin Britten

7. Verdi: "Falstaff!" - "Ol?!" - "Sir John Falstaff!" [Falstaff / Act 1]
Bryn Terfel, Berliner Philharmoniker, Claudio Abbado

8. Balcony Scene - From "Romeo & Juliet"
Czech National Symphony Orchestra, Prague, Paul Bateman

9. Verdi: "Ave Maria, piena di grazia" [Otello / Act 4]
Ren?e Fleming, LSO, Sir Georg Solti 10. Finzi: Come Away, Come Away, Death [Let Us Garlands Bring Op.18]
Bryn Terfel, Malcolm Martineau

11. Verdi: Coro di Profughi Scozzesi: "Patria oppressa" [Macbeth / Act 4]
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti

12. Walton: Touch her soft lips, and part; [Suite from "Henry V" - Concert Suite from Film Score - Arr. Muir Mathieson (Excerpts)]
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton

13. Mendelssohn: Wedding March [A Midsummer Night's Dream, Op.61 Incidental Music]
Peter Hurford

14. Berlioz: "Vous soupirez, madame?" - "Nuit paisible et sereine!" [B?atrice et B?n?dict / Act 1]
LSO, Sir Colin Davis

15. Vaughan Williams: Full Fathom Five [Three Shakespeare Songs]
The Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Sir David Willcocks

16. Vaughan Williams: The Cloud-capp'd Towers [Three Shakespeare Songs]
The Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Sir David Willcocks

17. Vaughan Williams: Over Hill, Over Dale [Three Shakespeare Songs]
The Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Sir David Willcocks

18. Finzi: Fear no more the heat of the sun, Op.18, No.3
Amy Dickson, Aurora Orchestra Nicholas Collon CD2
1. The Prologue - Troilus & Cressida
Narrated by Paul Hardwick

2. Orsino discusses his love for Olivia - Twelfth Night
Narrated by Derek Godfrey & Dorothy Tutin

3. Katherine's advice to women - The Taming of the Shrew
Narrated by Peggy Ashcroft

4. Benedict confesses his love - Much ado about nothing
Narrated by Christopher Plummer & Geraldine McEwan

5. To be or not to be - Hamlet
Narrated by Ian Bannen

6. All the world's a stage - As You Like It
Narrated by Max Adrian

7. Juliet impatiently awaits Romeo - Romeo and Juliet
Narrated by Dorothy Tutin

8. Othello tells how he won Desdemona's love - Othello
Narrated by Sir John Gielgud

9. Epilogue - As You Like It
Narrated by Vanessa Redgrave

10. King Richard gives way to despair - Richard III
Narrated by Richard Pasco

11. Antony addresses the crowd after Caesar's assassination - Julius Caesar
Narrated by Richard Johnson

12. Macbeth hears of his wife's death - Macbeth
Narrated by Tony Church, Paul Whitworth, Leigh-Hunt, Pippa Guard, Richard Pasco

13. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day- Sonnet 18
Narrated by Richard Pasco

14. That time of year thou may'st in me behold - Sonnet 73
Narrated by Tony Church

15. Let Me Not To The Marriage of True Minds - Sonnet 116
Narrated by Richard Johnson

16. Lear and his fool on the heath - King Lear
Narrated by Donald Sinden & by Paul Whitworth

17. Antony dies in the arms of Cleopatra - Anthony & Cleopatra
Narrated by Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Tony Church, Pippa Guard

18. Prospero renounces his magic powers - The Tempest
Narrated by Donald Sinden & by Barbara Leigh-Hunt
資料來源:MOMO購物中心 - 【福茂唱片】(音樂與文學中的莎士比亞 (2CD))
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